Double H-Back Video Set
BUY 4 GET 1 FREE- includes-Power, Counter, Inside Run, Outside Run, & Pass
The ‘No Huddle Shotgun Wing Offense Playbook’
See how Coach Murphy and his staff took Clayton Valley HS (2nd largest classification in CA), a school that has been around since 1958, to the school’s first CIF Championship in history in the first year running the offense. Also, winning 2 out of 2 undefeated in League Championships. See how they took a school that was averaging 20 points a game in 2010 & 2011 to over 50 points a game and 16 running clocks in 2012 & 2013. The 126 page book has everything you need to know to run this offense from large level high school to the youngest youth level.
1. Over 90 plays diagrammed with rules for every position.
2. Diagrams and key coaching points for all blocks needed to make the offense go.
3. The multiple formations you can use in this offense; everything from the base formation to unbalanced, trips, doubles, quads and pro.
4. How to run the entire offense out of the Wildcat, Pistol and Double Wing.
5. A thorough explanation of why the offense works so well and why less talented players can beat teams they have no business competing against.
6. How to get a double team on every play and more blockers at the point of attack than the defense can assign defenders to.
7. How to handle defensive players who bear crawl the line of scrimmage, how to handle defenders chasing pullers from behind, how to handle wrong arm defenders and how to give false keys to teams that are reading your guards, FB or any particular players on your offense.
8. How to snap the ball as fast as the ref places it on the ground. How to run the no huddle part of the offense with signaling the plays in quickly with no chance of the other team picking up your calls.
9. How to number offensive and defensive personnel making communication and play calling extremely simple.
10. Finally and most importantly, how to make the defense wrong no matter what they do to defend you.
“The best part about the offense is our starters have only turned the ball over 7 times in 2 years (27 games) and we have only needed to punt 8 times. Also, we have put the ball in the end zone 100% of the time inside the 10 yard in that 2 year period.”
Coach Murph
Traditional Offense-Volume 1: Power
Everything you need to know about the best play in football. Includes Power Base, Power Double, Power Down , Power Short, Power Log, Power Double Log, Power Influence and Power QB Keep.
Traditional Offense-Volume 2: Outside Run
The three deadly plays getting even the slowest guys to the edge. Includes Rocket Sweep, the fastest sweep in football. Striker Sweep, the sweep with power, deception and speed. Trojan Sweep, the most powerful sweep there is! With several variations of all three as well.
Traditional Offense-Volume 3: Inside Run
The quick hitters that always give positive yards and have the threat to go all the way on any given play. Includes Guard Trap, QB Spin, Mid-line, and Wedge. These become especially deadly if you have a QB or FB that can move.
Traditional Offense-Volume 4: The Counter Game
Deceptive plays that when run correctly, are almost impossible to stop! They make the game fun for players and fans. Includes, Reverse, Reverse Lead, Counter Tackle Trap,
Traditional Offense-Volume 5: The Passing Game
Coach Murphy’s passing game is one of the most feared of any “power team” you will ever see. Not only does his team’s go deep and put the ball in the end-zone but now his teams are hurting defenses in the flat and taking these short passes for big time yardage as well. Includes, Power Pass, Striker Pass and Quick Pass.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 1: The Basics of Our Offense
In this video the history of the Offense is discussed along with why it is run. You will find out why this Offence is a good choice for your team. Coach Murphy will diagram and explain formations, a numbering system, Def. Alignments, Splits, Stance.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 2: The Essentials of the Offense
In this video you will learn what plays to run. Coach Murphy will also explain and diagram different Blocking Rules.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 3: The Power Series
Coach Murphy teaches you Power, Counter, Logs, Downs, Power Pass and variations of each.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 4: The Striker Series
The Sweep, Trap, Striker Pass, Influence Plays, Chaos Action and variations of each are shown on this video.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 5: The Belly Series
This video has been very popular during the teaching of Coach Murphy you will learn about the Belly, Belly Reverse, Belly Draw, Double Dive and variations of each.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 6: I Stack I Series
In this series you will be instructed on Powers, Logs, Counters, Jokers, Double Dive, Lead, Power Pass and Counter Pass.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 7: The Option Series
Coach Murphy teaches on the three options: The G Option Series, Mid-line Option Series and Trap Option Series.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 8: Utilizing the QB as a Run Threat
You will learn how to get your QB to hit every hole using Folds, Counters and Powers.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 9: Passes, Screens, & Draws
With his first hand experience Coach Murphy will show you what has worked for over 7 years. You will learn about our best Passes, Draws and Screens.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 10: Big Plays that Score in a Hurry
Plays that keep defenses honest and gives the Offense a quick 6.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 11: Making the Most of Spread Sets
Coach Murphy explains multiple sets: Tight End Over, Wing Back Over and Full Back Heavy just to name a few. He diagrams each set and the best plays to run out of each set. Then he shows you what to run when the defense tries to adjust or what to do when they don’t. After the detailed explanation of the plays he shows several of the plays being run in game situations.
Original Double Wing & I Wing Series-Volume 12: The Ace Back Series
Do you have a good QB, one Running Back better then the rest, no Fullback, a couple of good Receivers or do you just want to spread Defenses out. If you have any of the above, this video can add an entirely new dimension to your attack. Coach Murphy diagrams all of the successful plays he has run from his Ace B, Power and Counter Play; Traps, Sweeps, Screens, Draws and several Pass Plays are all included, Back Formation (1 Back, Double Tight and two Flankers). The popular G Scheme, which allows you to still run the Base.
Trojan Sweep
The new added twist to the arsenal was a play called Trojan. This was a play that he named after the 1977 USC play called, “student body right/left.” After you see the play in action you will know why. Despite more injuries in ’05 then any team Coach Murphy has coached (broken leg to All-American ’04 running back Tracy Slocum and 5th degree shoulder tear to 1,000 yard rusher Andrew Pancotti), Trojan still averaged almost 9 yards per carry. In this tape Coach Murphy diagrams Trojan against most, if not all, fronts you may encounter. He goes through the learning process of running this new play and describes all the “do’s and don’ts” along the way. After the detailed description you will see the play being run from not only a press box angle but you will see every play from a 30 foot end zone camera as well.
Rocket Sweep
The Rocket Sweep turned out to be our best long yardage play of 2006. It literally saved us in the CIF Championship game. It is the fastest hitting outside play we have run and enabled us to get outside every week. If your wings are not as fast as you would want, this play will be your equalizer. If they can move then lookout, this play will be unbelievable. The video also includes Counter Plays, Pass Plays, Influence Plays, Off-Tackle and Off-Guard plays that all come off Rocket action. Several blocking variations are included the video as well. At the end of the video there is live game footage with end zone and press box angle film so you can see the play in action. Length: 57 Minutes
Coach Murphy’s Clovis East football team beat one of the most storied football programs in the country, Midland Lee High School of Midland Texas. It was the first time a Division 1 California team faced a Division 1 Texas team in High School History.
Influence Plays in the Double Wing
As opposing teams learn to defend your offense they will stop looking in your backfield and begin reading your offensive line, Wingbacks and Fullback blocks. To counter this you must give the Defense false keys. Not only do these plays work great themselves but they compromise the Defense in such a way that it will slow them down against your base plays as well. Included in the video are False Keys for your Guards, Tackles, Wingbacks, Fullback and Quarterback. Also, included is the famous Draw Play with a demonstration on how to perfect the behind the back hand-off. Length: 1 Hour 3 Minutes
Guaranteed Ways to Improve your Running Backs
This has been labeled one of the best Running Back videos ever made. Includes, meticulous detail on how to teach your running backs how to be more aggressive, break tackles and wear defenses down to the ground. Also included: How to hit the hole, great fakes, stiff-arms, rip arms and the most important thing in football, minimizing turnovers. And drills such as balance and go, foot fire, read your blocker, pop-up and some very good catching drill as well.
Running Backs-Unedited
See the Running Back Clinic that Coach Murphy did at the College of Sequoias teaching coaches how to get the most out of their Running Backs. Plus 20 minutes of Drills and Game Footage. UNEDITED
The Ultimate Blocking Progression
This is one of the best blocking progressions in football. Coach Murphy gives credit to De La Salle High School (holder of the 153 game winning streak) in this one. Taking what he learned while visiting De La Salle and tweaking it to fit a “Power Offense” has paid huge dividends for Clovis East who is usually out-weighed on the offensive line by huge amounts. As De La Salle, Coach Murphy’s offensive lines are known for their get off and near flawless technique.
Clovis East Sled Progression
Coach Murphy’s teams have rushed for an average of 300 yards per game in the last 9 years and have a combined record of 89-17-1 (Ygnacio Valley HS and Clovis East HS). His 1999 Ygnacio Valley team still holds the all-time Northern and Central CA rushing record with over 5,000 yards. His linemen are known for being undersized and still being able to compete with some of the best defense lines in the country. This tape will show you how his 2005 team is getting prepared for one of the toughest division 1 schedules a team has ever had. Coach Murphy takes his linemen from their first step to their last in a 4-point blocking progression.
Step 1: Get-Off
Step 2: contact
Step 3: Elevate
Step 4: Finish
You will see his linemen go through the following blocks using this proven progression: Base, Reach, Down, Trap, Backer, Pull and Wall-Off. This is not an X’s and O’s tape, it is actual film of his players going through their progression with on the field demonstration as Coach Murphy explain each step in detail.
“When it comes to contact, this progression is the best thing we will do as far as getting us prepared for the season.”
Coach Murphy
OL Everyday Practice Drills-unedited
These are the drills that the T-Wolves use every week in practice enabling them to block defensive players as much as a 100 lb over their body weight. UNEDITED
See the drills live during the off-season that the T-Wolves do to get ready for the up coming year. Blocks included are Down & Pull(1 hour) and Reach & Pull(1 Hour). UNEDITED
Championship Weight Training
Coach Murphy’s teams have NEVER LOST a weigh training contest. Matter of fact they have doubled the second place team’s scores the last three years in a row. In this video he takes you through their workout, shows you how he charts his players, his goals for each player and the particular lifts with demonstrations. Also, included are kettle bell training, core work and speed/conditioning training.
Clovis East Weight Training
After several years of requests, Coach Murphy has finally put together a video that shows what he does to get his players ready in and out of the weight room. His teams have never lost a Power Lifting Contest. He has had countless 300-pound power cleaners, 300-pound bench pressers, 400-pound squatters, and 200-pound snatch lifters. He takes you through and demonstrates the exact workout they are doing this very moment. After, he shows examples of several speed, agility and core exercises that he does to get the players ready to complete for a championship each year.
The Total Program - PDF
From weight training to discipline; a guide on how run a winning program. You will receive a word document and PDF so you can edit files to suit your programs needs. It is also good to use for interviews.
Bill Raycraft, John Stark Regional High School
Weare, NH